With PSD2, banks would have to disclose their customers' payment details to 'third parties', who could then offer services ...
Privacy is not an 'obstacle' and belongs in customer travel
DNB started on 9 August 2019 with the public consultation of the Q&A 'Customer Journey without obstacles concerning payment initiation and account information services ...
Cold snap Triodos Bank
Customers of the Triodos Bank received on Monday September 9th the opportunity to apply a 'padlock' to their ...
How can I contribute?
With the PSD2-me-not register, we are making an important contribution to better privacy protection for all consumers. What can you do to ...
Advertising aimed at ex-cancer patients based on likes is not against the law. Does it violate privacy?
On 25 September, the Advertising Code Committee ruled in case 018/00311 in which a person complained about advertisements for the ...
Being a sex worker is special categorie of personal data
In judgment of September 2018 ECLI:NL:RVS:2018:2856 of the Council of State it concerns the granting of permits to operators ...
What do we do with criminal records?
When the PSD2-me-not register was set up, criminal records were not discussed for a long time. Under the Wbp these were special ...