PSD2 do not register

From payment data special personal datas derived. We want this data to be filtered. This is why we have set up the PSD2 Don't-Me Register. This is an overview of account numbers, where transactions to or from this account number reveal special personal data.

We have made a list of organisations whose transactions should undoubtedly be regarded as special personal data. The list is download here. You might notice that the list does not contain any account numbers. We do this to prevent abuse of the list. The list is securely accessible through our API.

We're looking for account numbers!

We continue to look for account numbers. What account numbers are we looking for? For example, contribution accounts and account numbers for private donations to these categories of organisations:

  • political groups
  • trade unions
  • associations active in the field of sexual behaviour or sexual orientation
  • religious institutions

Donate an account number!

Do you know the account number of a relevant organisation? First check if we already have the number on this list. Send the IBAN and BIC number in an e-mail with the account number and name of the organization to The account number will then be included in the next version of the register.


  • All account numbers come from publicly available files or websites.
  • The political parties have been taken over from the register on the site of the Electoral Council. The official name and any abbreviation are included. In this register only parties that are registered, parties under formation or in the meantime dissolved are not listed. For an overview of these organisations, see this wikipedia page about Political parties in the Netherlands.
  • The unions have been taken over from wikipedia List of trade unions in the Netherlands on 30 March 2020 and may not be up to date.
  • The religious institutions were taken from a file obtained from the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register as part of this project and may not be complete.
  • The account numbers come from publicly accessible sources or have been provided by volunteers or persons from the supporters. Any questions? Please contact us via