The SIDN Fund proudly presented the first batch of Pioneers of 2019 on 22 May 2019! One of the Pioneers is the Privacy First Foundation with the Don't-PSD2-me-registe.
Is innovation with payment details possible while maintaining privacy? PSD2 is the new European banking law allowing payment data to be used with non-banking banks as well. parties can be shared. However, the legislator has neglected to ensure privacy by design. Stichting Privacy First therefore takes the initiative for a Don't-PSD2-me-register. This is an opt-out register with which account numbers can be filtered. The use cases are account numbers of "special personal data" such as a payment to a trade union, healthcare provider, political party or organization that discloses sexual orientation. And consumers who reveal their want to have counter-calculation filtered out. The Don't-PSD2-me-register can guide at European level.